Sitting Vigil With You
Many people choose to create a sacred or special setting for their transition to take place. Once this is created and the person’s wishes are honored, this often becomes a peaceful place for the family to gather. When your time comes near for transition, you have the opportunity to also choose who you want in the room, perhaps holding your hand, reading to you, caring for your needs or just being present in your room. A transition time can last for hours or days, and it is helpful to plan for this time so that those who are present know how to serve and love you best.
We are available if you want us to be there for you during this time of vigil. We can take shifts, with family members or within our doula alliance, even during the middle of the night, to ensure that you are comfortable and to allow your loved ones to get some rest. We are trained to understand the signs and symptoms involved in the active dying process, and know from experience that it is comforting and reassuring to have someone sitting with you to help to provide comfort and relieve anxiety, pain and worry.