Outsourcing and a Final Note
Bay Area ELDA networks with many individuals and businesses who will work together to bring whatever services you wish for into your home. These resources include massage therapists, aromatherapists, home care givers, house cleaners, funeral homes, green burial facilities, notaries, mental health and grief counselors, hospices, palliative care providers, bedside musicians, videographers, and more. Just let us know what you want, and we will do our best to find someone who can provide it for you.
A Final Note: Even if you decide not to use our services, and you have questions or need a referral, please don’t hesitate to contact us. Our deepest intention is to be of assistance to everyone who needs doula services, or to help locate some other services that we do not provide.
To that end, please do not ever let finances get in the way of contacting us. No matter what, we are willing and able to work with you if that is your desire.