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Support & Assistance for Medical Aid in Dying

(California’s End of Life Option Act)

How We Can Help You through the Medical Aid in Dying Experience


According to the American Clinician’s Academy for Medical Aid in Dying, “The Academy strongly believes that having solid support for the patient and family on the day of aid in dying is an essential source of comfort…     It also provides the family with the freedom to be with their loved ones, rather than distracted by the technical aspects, i.e. monitoring the timing and order of the medications, mixing the medications, and watching for complications.”


Two Doulas, working as a team, meet you and your family/care partners in person or via Zoom at least once to get acquainted and find out your wishes.  We offer information and support to you throughout the process of accessing Medical Aid in Dying.  We can help ensure that your goals are met and the environment on the designated day is how you want it.


We can:

  • Guide you through the steps of the request process, including how to talk with your doctors or helping you find doctors to consult with and prescribe the medications for you

  • Help you determine when to take the medications

  • Provide emotional support for you and your family throughout the process

  • Prepare the medications for you and/or assist family during the preparation on the designated day

  • Help with meaningful rituals or other requests by you or your family

  • Stay with your family to support them in the immediate hours afterwards

  • Assist with physical care after death, e.g. dressing, rituals or other preparations for burial or cremation


We welcome the opportunity to answer any questions you may have about Medical Aid in Dying, and to discuss other end of life options as well.

Heart-felt support at end-of-life.

Serving the San Francisco Bay Area & virtually via Zoom
(415) 488-3272
©2023  End of Life Doula Alliance.

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