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Bay Area
End of Life
Doula Alliance

Who We Are

Founded in 2018, ELDA is San Francisco Bay Area’s preeminent end-of-life doula organization. With over 30 years of experience between us, our doulas are committed to inspiring and empowering people so that their end-of-life and transition experience can be a fulfilling and purposeful part of their life’s journey.
“You matter because you are you, and you matter to the end of your life. We will do all we can not only to help you die peacefully, but also to live until you die.”
– Cicely Saunders, Hospice Pioneer

ELDA provides a wide variety of non-medical holistic support and comfort to the dying person and their family. This includes education and guidance as well as emotional, spiritual and practical care, from as early as initial diagnosis through bereavement.
We are available to provide emotional, spiritual, and physical support and to help you live out the rest of your life in an intentional way that brings you a sense of joy, meaning and purpose.
We refer to the last days of life as a time of vigil. During your final days and hours, we are available to sit with you, by your bedside, and provide comfort, support, and rest for you and your family.
A legacy project can be seen as a gift for those you are leaving behind. It can take many forms, but will generally be an expression of love, and a way of preserving memories and sharing stories that will be an inspiration and source of comfort for family and loved ones.
While a legacy project is a tangible, external project, a life review is a deep, internal, reflective way to explore the richness of your life, your relationships, experiences, spirituality, values, ups and downs, peaks and valleys, and the impact you have had on others and the world.
We can assist in completing advanced care directives and other planning documents so that your wishes are thoughtfully discussed and pre-determined and you can appoint advocates to make decisions on your behalf if you are no longer able to do so.
Support & Assistance for Medical Aid in Dying
(California End of Life Option Act)
At times, you may get lonely, afraid, or want to talk to someone other than your loved ones. At times, your family members may need some rest. We are available to fill in the gaps to create space for peace and rest.

It does not mean to be in a place
where there is no noise,
trouble or hard work.
It means to be in the midst of those things and still be calm in your heart.
Author unknown
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